-: Jan 13, 2013 / admin

Bristol Security: Ways of Avoiding Arson


Arson is an incredibly damaging crime, as not only does it destroy properties and possessions, but it puts the lives of others at risk. In Bristol, security needs tighter measures to help avoid the damaging effects of arson. Here are a few tips on ways you can avoid arson and run a safer business.

  1. 1.       Staff Safety. Whether you own a shop, manage an office or have a stake in any other sort of business in Bristol, security starts with safety. Ensure that each member of staff understands all procedures and protocols in terms of emergency evacuation and what to do in the event of a fire.
  2. 2.       Check Your Equipment. This also ties in with ensuring the safety of both yourself and your staff. Ensure that any fire safety equipment you have on your premise – such as fire extinguishers and alarm systems – is up to date, efficient and in good working order ready for quick response in the event of a fire.
  3. 3.       Take Preventative Action. The best way of tackling crime involving fire is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Ensure that wherever you are in Bristol, security measures are firmly in place. This could be as simple as having an on-call security firm ready to answer your cry for help, or even employing a security guard to man your premises. The presence of active and professional security can help boost the prevention of arson attacks, as criminals know that where active measures are in place they have more chance of being punished.
  4. 4.       Know your statistics. Wherever you are in Bristol, security is always relevant. It’s worth however checking the local statistics for arson crimes for your local area. For example, the Police.uk official crime statistics database shows that in 2012 for the month of September alone, out of 1646 reported crimes within a 1 mile radius of Bristol center, 89 of those were a result of criminal damage and arson.
  5. 5.       Stay Aware. As you will already know, half the battle to fight arson is not just knowing what to do to prevent and minimize crime, but it’s the awareness of local news and trends. If there is a surge in arson attacks in your area, ensure there is also a surge in your security efforts. Knowledge is power.

When you are running a business, the safety of yourself, your staff, your customers and your property is of paramount importance. In Bristol, security companies offer a cost-effective way of tackling crime head on. Make sure that whatever you do and wherever you do it, you stay aware, make a plan and take action.

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